Life on Pine

Texas Staycation

falcon point ranch in seadrift

Kate Parrish2 Comments

i can't believe our houston + ranch trip has come and gone. this is something we had all been looking forward to for months – and i'm so grateful we were all able to make it to one of our favorite places before kp and i moved back to CA. it was the perfect combo of things to celebrate, too: our dear friends were getting married in houston {more photos from that later}, i was turning 27, our besties E + D were in town from NYC, and so much more. 

the falcon point weekend {in a nut shell} was spent fishing, shooting, drinking, swimming, laughing, crab catching, crab eating, more fishing, and a whole lot of love. thank you so much to elizabeth for having us at the most magical place. 

hiking & pizza in basdrop

Kate ParrishComment

we recently read about a pizza + beer spot in basdrop that looked perfect for a sunny day. we held it in our back pocket waiting for the right weather, and a few sundays back happened to be just that. from austin to basdrop you're looking at 45 minutes in the car until you're surrounded by hiking trails. though we were heartbroken by the state park's naked trees due to the fire back in 2011, we were happy to see that life was slowly coming back. 

neighbors was a perfect little place to grab food, drinks, and sunshine after our hike/trail run in the park. i'm easy to please when it comes to pizza, but i think it's safe to say that this spot is worth the little drive if you're in the austin area. bon appetit!

weekend at el cosmico [marfa, texas]

Kate ParrishComment

marfa was never on my radar when i was younger – i hadn't even heard of the place. it wasn't until a couple years ago that i started hearing buzz around the food, art, character, and el cosmico that inspired our recent trip. west texas is beautiful and charming and peaceful, and i think it's definitely worth the trek. my only regret is not adding big bend national park to our trip, next time! our full list of travel recommendations can be found via the marfa travel guide


where: marfa, texas
time of year: november [perfect weather, i'd recommend beating the head and coming in the fall!] 
how to get there: we drove from austin which took about 6 hours
price per night: ranges from about $85 – $225 with options to camp, yurt, tent, teepee or airstrem
activities available: exploring the town, art galleries, shopping and more
things to know:  unless you rent an airstream, you will be using a shared bathroom [that is very nice]. also, marfa is AWESOME but tiny, i don't think you need more than 2 nights here. try to tack on a visit to marathon or big bend as well. 

sleep || at el cosmico  [the love house is another good option if you are unable to get into el cosmico]
eat || cochineal + food shark + pizza foundation
explore || the art galleries to your interest, and make time for a star party – it is a very special experience, and if you get the right weather you'll see more stars than you ever have in your life. 


an airstream weekend in wimberley

Kate ParrishComment

months ago we came across this airstream and were so sad when it was booked months out. we ended up making a reservation 8 months in advance, and i can't believe it has come and gone! we had such a lovely time relaxing, cooking (and also dining @ our favorite spot the leaning pear), hot tubbing, swimming in the *empty* blue hole (last time it was packed), playing scrabble,  showering outside, and enjoying the peaceful property around us. if you live in the austin area – i would highly recommend a night or two here!